
Selasa, 11 Agustus 2015


Pattern matching against strings
Regular expressions are a computer science concept where simple patterns describe the format of text. Pattern matching is the process of applying these patterns to actual text to look for matches.
Most modern regular expression facilities are more powerful than traditional regular expressions due to the influence of languages such as Perl, but the short-hand term regex has stuck and continues to mean regular expression-like pattern matching.
In Perl 6, although they are capable of much more than regular languages, we continue to call them regexes.

Lexical conventions

Perl 6 has special syntax for writing regexes:
m/abc/;         # a regex that is immediately matched against $_
rx/abc/;        # a Regex object
/abc/;          # a Regex object
The first two can use delimiters other than the slash:

Note that neither the colon : nor round parentheses can be delimiters; the colon is forbidden because it clashes with adverbs, such as rx:i/abc/ (case insensitive regexes), and round parentheses indicate a function call instead.
Whitespace in regexes is generally ignored (except with the :s or :sigspace adverb).
As in the rest of Perl 6, comments in regexes start with a hash character # and go to the end of the current line.


The simplest case of a regex is a constant string. Matching a string against that regex searches for that string:
if 'properly' ~~ m/ perl / {
    say "'properly' contains 'perl'";
Alphanumeric characters and the underscore _ are literal matches. All other characters must either be escaped with a backslash (for example \: to match a colon), or included in quotes:
/ 'two words' /     # matches 'two words' including the blank
/ "a:b"       /     # matches 'a:b' including the colon
/ '#' /             # matches a hash character
Strings are searched left to right for the regex, thus it is sufficient if a substring matches the regex:
if 'abcdef' ~~ / de / {
    say ~$/;            # de
    say $/.prematch;    # abc
    say $/.postmatch;   # f
    say $/.from;        # 3
    say $/.to;          # 5
Match results are stored in the $/ variable and are also returned from the match. The result is of type Match if the match was successful; otherwise it is Nil.

Wildcards and character classes

Dot to match any character

An unescaped dot . in a regex matches any single character.
So these all match:
'perl' ~~ /per./;       # matches the whole string
'perl' ~~ / per . /;    # the same; whitespace is ignored
'perl' ~~ / pe.l /;     # the . matches the r
'speller' ~~ / pe.l/;   # the . matches the first l
This doesn't match:
'perl' ~~ /. per /
because there is no character to match before per in the target string.

Backslashed, predefined character classes

There are predefined character classes of the form \w. Its negation is written with an upper-case letter, \W.
  • \d and \D
\d matches a single digit (Unicode property N) and \D matches a single character that is not a digit.
'ab42' ~~ /\d/ and say ~$/;     # 4
'ab42' ~~ /\D/ and say ~$/;     # a
Note that not only the Arabic digits (commonly used in the Latin alphabet) match \d, but also digits from other scripts.
Examples for digits are:
  • \h and \H
\h matches a single horizontal whitespace character. \H matches a single character that is not a horizontal whitespace character.
Examples for horizontal whitespace characters are
U+0020 SPACE
U+2001 EM QUAD
Vertical whitespace like newline characters are explicitly excluded; those can be matched with \v, and \s matches any kind of whitespace.
  • \n and \N
\n matches a single, logical newline character. \n is supposed to also match a Windows CR LF codepoint pair; though it is unclear whether the magic happens at the time that external data is read, or at regex match time. \N matches a single character that's not a logical newline.
  • \s and \S
\s matches a single whitespace character. \S matches a single character that is not whitespace.
if 'contains a word starting with "w"' ~~ / w \S+ / {
    say ~$/;        # word
  • \t and \T
\t matches a single tab/tabulation character, U+0009. (Note that exotic tabs like the U+000B VERTICAL TABULATION character are not included here). \T matches a single character that is not a tab.
  • \v and \V
\v matches a single vertical whitespace character. \V matches a single character that is not vertical whitespace.
Examples for vertical whitespace characters:
Use \s to match any kind of whitespace, not just vertical whitespace.
  • \w and \W
\w matches a single word character, i.e. a letter (Unicode category L), a digit or an underscore. \W matches a single character that isn't a word character.
Examples of word characters:
0031 1 DIGIT ONE

Unicode properties

The character classes so far are mostly for convenience; a more systematic approach is the use of Unicode properties. They are called in the form <:property> , where property can be a short or long Unicode property name.
The following list is stolen from the Perl 5 perlunicode documentation:
Short Long
L Letter
LC Cased_Letter
Lu Uppercase_Letter
Ll Lowercase_Letter
Lt Titlecase_Letter
Lm Modifier_Letter
Lo Other_Letter
M Mark
Mn Nonspacing_Mark
Mc Spacing_Mark
Me Enclosing_Mark
N Number
Nd Decimal_Number (also Digit)
Nl Letter_Number
No Other_Number
P Punctuation (also Punct)
Pc Connector_Punctuation
Pd Dash_Punctuation
Ps Open_Punctuation
Pe Close_Punctuation
Pi Initial_Punctuation

(may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
Pf Final_Punctuation

(may behave like Ps or Pe depending on usage)
Po Other_Punctuation
S Symbol
Sm Math_Symbol
Sc Currency_Symbol
Sk Modifier_Symbol
So Other_Symbol
Z Separator
Zs Space_Separator
Zl Line_Separator
Zp Paragraph_Separator
C Other
Cc Control (also Cntrl)
Cf Format
Cs Surrogate
Co Private_Use
Cn Unassigned
For example <:Lu> matches a single, upper-case letter.
Negation works as <:!category> , so <:!Lu> matches a single character that isn't an upper-case letter.
Several categories can be combined with one of these infix operators:
Operator Meaning
+ set union
| set union
& set intersection
- set difference (first minus second)
^ symmetric set intersection / XOR
So, to match either a lower-case letter or a number, one can write <:Ll+:N> or <:Ll+:Number> or <+ :Lowercase_Letter + :Number> .
It is also possible to group categories and sets of categories with parentheses, e.g.:
'perl6' ~~ m{\w+(<:Ll+:N>)}  # 0 => 「6」

Enumerated character classes and ranges

Sometimes the pre-existing wildcards and character classes are not enough. Fortunately, defining your own is fairly simple. Between <[ ]> , you can put any number of single characters and ranges of characters (expressed with two dots between the end points), with or without whitespace.
"abacabadabacaba" ~~ / <[ a .. c 1 2 3 ]> /
Between the < > you can also use the same operators for categories (+, |, &, -, ^) to combine multiple range definitions and even mix in some of the unicode categories above. You are also allowed to write the backslashed forms for character classes between the [ ] .
/ <[\d] - [13579]> /
# not quite the same as
/ <[02468]>
# because the first one also contains "weird" unicodey digits
To negate a character class, put a - after the opening angle:
say 'no quotes' ~~ /  <-[ " ]> + /;  # matches characters except "
A common pattern for parsing quote-delimited strings involves negated character classes:
say '"in quotes"' ~~ / '"' <-[ " ]> * '"'/;
This first matches a quote, then any characters that aren't quotes, and then a quote again. The meaning of * and + in the examples above are explained in section Quantifier.
Just as you can use the - for both set difference and negation of a single value, you can also explicitly put a + in front:
/ <+[123]> /  # same as <[123]>


A quantifier makes a preceding atom match not exactly once, but rather a variable number of times. For example a+ matches one or more a characters.
Quantifiers bind tighter than concatenation, so ab+ matches one a followed by one or more bs. This is different for quotes, so 'ab'+ matches the strings ab, abab, ababab etc.

One or more: +

The + quantifier makes the preceding atom match one or more times, with no upper limit.
For example to match strings of the form key=value, you can write a regex like this:
/ \w+ '=' \w+ /

Zero or more: *

The * quantifier makes the preceding atom match zero or more times, with no upper limit.
For example to allow optional whitespace between a and b you can write
/ a \s* b /

Zero or one match: ?

The ? quantifier makes the preceding atom match zero or once.

General quantifier: ** min..max

To quantify an atom an arbitrary number of times, you can write e.g. a ** 2..5 to match the character a at least twice and at most 5 times.
    say Bool('a' ~~ /a ** 2..5/);    #-> False
    say Bool('aaa' ~~ /a ** 2..5/);  #-> True
If the minimal and maximal number of matches are the same, a single integer is possible: a ** 5 matches a exactly five times.
    say Bool('aaaaa' ~~ /a ** 5/);   #-> True

Modified quantifier: %

To more easily match things like comma separated values, you can tack on a % modifier to any of the above quantifiers to specify a separator than must occur between each of the matches. So, for example a+ % ',' will match a or a,a or a,a,a or so on, but it will not match a, or a,a,. To match those as well, you may use %% instead of %.


To match one of several possible alternatives, separate them by ||; the first matching alternative wins.
For example, ini files have the following form:
key = value
Hence, if you parse a single line of an ini file, it can be either a section or a key-value pair and the regex would be (to a first approximation):
/ '[' \w+ ']' || \S+ \s* '=' \s* \S* /
That is, either a word surrounded by square brackets, or a string of non-whitespace characters, followed by zero or more spaces, followed by the equals sign =, followed again by optional whitespace, followed by another string of non-whitespace characters.


The regex engine tries to find a match inside a string by searching from left to right.
say so 'properly' ~~ / perl/;   # True
#          ^^^^
But sometimes this is not what you want. For instance, you might want to match the whole string, or a whole line, or one or several whole words. Anchors or assertions can help you with this by limiting where they match.
Anchors need to match successfully in order for the whole regex to match but they do not use up characters while matching.

^, Start of String

The ^ assertion only matches at the start of the string.
say so 'properly' ~~ /perl/;        # True
say so 'properly' ~~ /^ perl/;      # False
say so 'perly'    ~~ /^ perl/;      # True
say so 'perl'     ~~ /^ perl/;      # True

^^, Start of Line and $$, End of Line

The ^^ assertion matches at the start of a logical line. That is, either at the start of the string, or after a newline character.
$$ matches only at the end of a logical line, that is, before a newline character, or at the end of the string when the last character is not a newline character.
(To understand the following example, it is important to know that the q:to/EOS/...EOS "heredoc" syntax removes leading indention to the same level as the EOS marker, so that the first, second and last lines have no leading space and the third and fourth lines have two leading spaces each).
    my $str = q:to/EOS/;
        There was a young man of Japan
        Whose limericks never would scan.
          When asked why this was,
          He replied "It's because
        I always try to fit as many syllables into the last line as ever I possibly can."
    say so $str ~~ /^^ There/;          # True  (start of string)
    say so $str ~~ /^^ limericks/;      # False (not at the start of a line)
    say so $str ~~ /^^ I/;              # True  (start of the last line)
    say so $str ~~ /^^ When/;           # False (there are blanks between
                                        #        start of line and the "When")

    say so $str ~~ / Japan $$/;         # True  (end of first line)
    say so $str ~~ / scan $$/;          # False (there is a . between "scan"
                                        #        and the end of line)
    say so $str ~~ / '."' $$/;          # True  (at the last line)

<< and >> , left and right word boundary

<< matches a left word boundary: it matches positions where there is a non-word character at the left (or the start of the string) and a word character to the right.
>> matches a right word boundary: it matches positions where there is a word character at the left and a non-word character at the right (or the end of the string).
my $str = 'The quick brown fox';
say so $str ~~ /br/;                # True
say so $str ~~ /<< br/;             # True
say so $str ~~ /br >>/;             # False
say so $str ~~ /own/;               # True
say so $str ~~ /<< own/;            # False
say so $str ~~ /own >>/;            # True

Grouping and Capturing

In regular (non-regex) Perl 6, you can use parentheses to group things together, usually to override operator precedence:
say 1 + 4 * 2;      # 9, because it is parsed as 1 + (4 * 2)
say (1 + 4) * 2;    # 10
The same grouping facility is available in regexes:
/ a || b c /        # matches 'a' or 'bc'
/ ( a || b ) c /    # matches 'ac' or 'bc'
The same grouping applies to quantifiers:
/ a b+ /            # Matches an 'a' followed by one or more 'b's
/ (a b)+ /          # Matches one or more sequences of 'ab'
/ (a || b)+ /       # Matches a sequence of 'a's and 'b's, at least one long
An unquantified capture produces a Match object. When a capture is quantified (except with the ? quantifier) the capture becomes a list of Match objects instead.


The round parentheses don't just group, they also capture; that is, they make the string matched within the group available as a variable, and also as an element of the resulting Match object:
my $str =  'number 42';
if $str ~~ /'number ' (\d+) / {
    say "The number is $0";         # the number is 42
    # or
    say "The number is $/[0]";      # the number is 42
Pairs of parentheses are numbered left to right, starting from zero.
if 'abc' ~~ /(a) b (c)/ {
    say "0: $0; 1: $1";             # 0: a; 1: c
The $0 and $1 etc. syntax is actually just a shorthand; these captures are canonically available from the match object $/ by using it as a list, so $0 is actually syntax sugar for $/[0].
Coercing the match object to a list gives an easy way to programmatically access all elements:
if 'abc' ~~ /(a) b (c)/ {
    say $/.list.join: ', '  # a, c

Non-capturing grouping

The parentheses in regexes perform a double role: they group the regex elements inside and they capture what is matched by the sub-regex inside.
To get only the grouping behavior, you can use square brackets [ ... ] instead.
if 'abc' ~~ / [a||b] (c) / {
    say ~$0;                # c
If you do not need the captures, using non-capturing groups provides three benefits: it communicates the intent more clearly, it makes it easier to count the capturing groups that you do care about and it is a bit faster.

Capture numbers

It is stated above that captures are numbered from left to right. While true in principle, this is also overly simplistic.
The following rules are listed for the sake of completeness; when you find yourself using them regularly, it is worth considering named captures (and possibly subrules) instead.
Alternations reset the capture count:
/ (x) (y)  || (a) (.) (.) /
# $0  $1      $0  $1  $2
if 'abc' ~~ /(x)(y) || (a)(.)(.)/ {
    say ~$1;            # b
If two (or more) alternations have a different number of captures, the one with the most captures determines the index of the next capture:
$_ = 'abcd';

if / a [ b (.) || (x) (y) ] (.) / {
    #      $0     $0  $1    $2
    say ~$2;            # d
Captures can be nested, in which case they are numbered per level
if 'abc' ~~ / ( a (.) (.) ) / {
    say "Outer: $0";              # Outer: abc
    say "Inner: $0[0] and $0[1]"; # Inner: b and c

Named captures

Instead of numbering captures, you can also give them names. The generic -- and slightly verbose -- way of naming captures is like this:
if 'abc' ~~ / $<myname> = [ \w+ ] / {
    say ~$<myname>      # abc
The access to the named capture, $<myname> , is a shorthand for indexing the match object as a hash, in other words: $/{ 'myname' } or $/<myname> .
Coercing the match object to a hash gives you easy programmatic access to all named captures:
if 'count=23' ~~ / $<variable>=\w+ '=' $<value>=\w+ / {
    my %h = $/.hash;
    say %h.keys.sort.join: ', ';        # value, variable
    say %h.values.sort.join: ', ';      # 23, count
    for %h.kv -> $k, $v {
        say "Found value '$v' with key '$k'";
        # outputs two lines:
        #   Found value 'count' with key 'variable'
        #   Found value '23' with key 'value'
There is a more convenient way to get named captures which is discussed in the next section.


Just like you can put pieces of code into subroutines, you can also put pieces of regex into named rules.
my regex line { \N*\n }
if "abc\ndef" ~~ /<line> def/ {
    say "First line: ", $<line>.chomp;      # First line: abc
A named regex can be declared with my regex thename { body here }, and called with <thename> . At the same time, calling a named regex installs a named capture with the same name.
If the capture should be of a different name, this can be achieved with the syntax <capturename=regexname> . If no capture at all is desired, a leading dot will suppress it: <.regexname> .
Here is a more complete (yet still fairly limited) code for parsing ini files:
my regex header { \s* '[' (\w+) ']' \h* \n+ }
my regex identifier  { \w+ }
my regex kvpair { \s* <key=identifier> '=' <value=identifier> \n+ }
my regex section {

my $contents = q:to/EOI/;

my %config;
if $contents ~~ /<section>*/ {
    for $<section>.list -> $section {
        my %section;
        for $section<kvpair>.list -> $p {
            say $p<value>;
            %section{ $p<key> } = ~$p<value>;
        %config{ $section<header>[0] } = %section;
say %config.perl;
# ("passwords" => {"jack" => "password1", "joy" => "muchmoresecure123"},
#    "quotas" => {"jack" => "123", "joy" => "42"}).hash
Named regexes can and should be grouped in grammars. A list of predefined subrules is listed in S05.


Adverbs modify how regexes work and give very convenient shortcuts for certain kinds of recurring tasks.
There are two kinds of adverbs: regex adverbs apply at the point where a regex is defined and matching adverbs apply at the point that a regex matches against a string.
This distinction often blurs, because matching and declaration are often textually close but using the method form of matching makes the distinction clear.
'abc' ~~ /../ is roughly equivalent to 'abc'.match(/../), or even more clearly written in separate lines:
my $regex = /../;           # definition
if 'abc'.match($regex) {    # matching
    say "'abc' has at least two characters";
Regex adverbs like :i go into the definition line and matching adverbs like :overlap are appended to the match call:
my $regex = /:i . a/;
for 'baA'.match($regex, :overlap) -> $m {
    say ~$m;
# output:
#     ba
#     aA

Regex Adverbs

Adverbs that appear at the time of a regex declaration are part of the actual regex and influence how the Perl 6 compiler translates the regex into binary code.
For example, the :ignorecase (:i) adverb tells the compiler to ignore the distinction between upper case, lower case and title case letters.
So 'a' ~~~ /A/ is false, but 'a' ~~ /:i A/ is a successful match.
Regex adverbs can come before or inside a regex declaration and only affect the part of the regex that comes afterwards, lexically.
These two regexes are equivalent:
my $rx1 = rx:i/a/;      # before
my $rx2 = rx/:i a/;     # inside
Whereas these two are not:
my $rx3 = rx/a :i b/;   # matches only the b case insensitively
my $rx4 = rx/:i a b/;   # matches completely case insensitively
Brackets and parentheses limit the scope of an adverb:
/ (:i a b) c /          # matches 'ABc' but not 'ABC'
/ [:i a b] c /          # matches 'ABc' but not 'ABC'


The :ratchet or :r adverb causes the regex engine not to backtrack.
Without this adverb, parts of a regex will try different ways to match a string in order to make it possible for other parts of the regex to match. For example in 'abc' ~~ /\w+ ./, the \w+ first eats up the whole string, abc but then the . fails. Thus \w+ gives up a character, matching only ab, and the . can successfully match the string c. This process of giving up characters (or in the case of alternations, trying a different branch) is known as backtracking.
say so 'abc' ~~ / \w+ . /;      # True
say so 'abc' ~~ / :r \w+ . /;   # False
Ratcheting can be an optimization, because backtracking is costly. But more importantly, it closely corresponds to how humans parse a text. If you have a regex my regex identifier { \w+ } and my regex keyword { if | else | endif }, you intuitively expect the identifier to gobble up a whole word and not have it give up its end to the next rule, if the next rule otherwise fails. For instance, you don't expect the word motif to be parsed as the identifier mot followed by the keyword if; rather you expect motif to be parsed as one identifier and if the parser expects an if afterwards, rather have it fail than parse the input in a way you don't expect.
Since ratcheting behavior is so often desirable in parsers, there is a shortcut to declaring a ratcheting regex:
my token thing { .... }
# short for
my regex thing { :r ... }


The :sigspace or :s adverb makes whitespace significant in a regex.
say so "I used Photoshop®"   ~~ m:i/   photo shop /; # True
say so "I used a photo shop" ~~ m:i:s/ photo shop /; # True
say so "I used Photoshop®"   ~~ m:i:s/ photo shop /; # False
m:s/ photo shop / acts just the same as if one had written m/ photo <.ws> shop <.ws> /. By default, <.ws> makes sure that words are separated, so a b and ^& will match <.ws> in the middle, but ab won't.
Where whitespace in a regex turns into <.ws> depends on what comes before the whitespace. In the above example, whitespace in the beginning of a regex doesn't turn into <.ws>, but whitespace after characters does. In general, the rule is that if a term might match something, whitespace after it will turn into <.ws>.
In addition, if whitespace comes after a term, but before a quantifier (+, *, or ?), <.ws> will be matched after every match of the term, so foo + becomes [ foo <.ws> ]+. On the other hand, whitespace after a quantifier acts as normal significant whitespace, e.g., "foo+ " becomes foo+ <.ws>.
In all, this code:
rx :s {
        say "No sigspace after this";
    ws_separated_characters *
    | some "stuff" .. .
    | $$
    :my $foo = "no ws after this";
rx {
    ^^ <.ws>
        say "No space after this";
    <.assertion_and_then_ws> <.ws>
    characters_with_ws_after+ <.ws>
    [ws_separated_characters <.ws>]* <.ws>
    | some <.ws> "stuff" <.ws> .. <.ws> . <.ws>
    | $$ <.ws>
    ] <.ws>
    :my $foo = "no ws after this";
    $foo <.ws>
If a regex is declared with the rule keyword, both the :sigspace and :ratchet adverbs are implied.
Grammars provide an easy way to override what <.ws> matches:
grammar Demo {
    token ws {
        <!ww>   # only match when not within a word
        \h*     # only match horizontal whitespace
    rule TOP {  # called by Demo.parse;
        a b '.'

# doesn't parse, whitspace required between a and b
say so Demo.parse("ab.");       # False
say so Demo.parse("a b.");      # True
say so Demo.parse("a\tb .");    # True
# \n is vertical whitespace, so no match
say so Demo.parse("a\tb\n.");   # False
When parsing file formats where some whitespace (for example vertical whitespace) is significant, it is advisable to override ws.

Matching adverbs

In contrast to regex adverbs, which are tied to the declaration of a regex, matching adverbs only make sense while matching a string against a regex.
They can never appear inside a regex, only on the outside -- either as part of an m/.../ match or as arguments to a match method.


The :continue or short :c adverb takes an argument. The argument is the position where the regex should start to search. By default, it searches from the start of the string, but :c overrides that. If no position is specified for :c it will default to 0 unless $/ is set, in which case it defaults to $/.to.
given 'a1xa2' {
    say ~m/a./;         # a1
    say ~m:c(2)/a./;    # a2


To find all possible matches of a regex -- including overlapping ones -- and several ones that start at the same position, use the :exhaustive (short :ex) adverb.
given 'abracadabra' {
    for m:exhaustive/ a .* a / -> $match {
        say ' ' x $match.from, ~$match;
The above code produces this output:


Instead of searching for just one match and returning a Match object, search for every non-overlapping match and return them in a List. In order to do this use the :global adverb:
given 'several words here' {
    my @matches = m:global/\w+/;
    say @matches.elems;         # 3
    say ~@matches[2];           # here
:g is shorthand for :global.


Anchor the match at a specific position in the string:
given 'abcdef' {
    my $match = m:pos(2)/.*/;
    say $match.from;        # 2
    say ~$match;            # cdef
:p is shorthand for :pos.


To get several matches, including overlapping matches, but only one (the longest) from each starting position, specify the :overlap (short :ov) adverb:
given 'abracadabra' {
    for m:overlap/ a .* a / -> $match {
        say ' ' x $match.from, ~$match;

Look-around assertions

Lookahead assertions

To check that a pattern appears before another pattern, one can use a lookahead assertion via the before assertion. This has the form:
<?before pattern>
Thus, to search for the string foo which is immediately followed by the string bar, one could use the following regexp:
rx{ foo <?before bar> }
which one could use like so:
say "foobar" ~~ rx{ foo <?before bar> };   #->  foo
However, if you want to search for a pattern which is not immediately followed by some pattern, then you need to use a negative lookahead assertion, this has the form:
<!before pattern>
Hence all occurrences of foo which is not before bar would be matched by
rx{ foo <!before bar> }

Lookbehind assertions

To check that a pattern appears before another pattern, one can use a lookbehind assertion via the after assertion. This has the form:
<?after pattern>
Thus, to search for the string bar which is immediately preceded by the string foo, one could use the following regexp:
rx{ <?after foo> bar }
which one could use like so:
say "foobar" ~~ rx{ <?after foo> bar };   #->  bar
However, if you want to search for a pattern which is not immediately preceded by some pattern, then you need to use a negative lookbehind assertion, this has the form:
<!after pattern>
Hence all occurrences of bar which do not have foo before them would be matched by
rx{ <!after foo> bar }

Best practices and gotchas

Regexes and grammars are a whole programming paradigm that you have to learn (if you don't already know it very well).
To help you write robust regexes and grammars, here are some best practices that the authors have found useful. These range from small-scale code layout issues to what actually to match, and help to avoid common pitfalls and writing unreadable code.

Code layout

Without the :sigspace adverb, whitespace is not significant in Perl 6 regexes. Use that to your own advantage and insert whitespace where it increases readability. Also insert comments where necessary.
Compare the very compact
my regex float { <[+-]>?\d*'.'\d+[e<[+-]>?\d+]? }
to the more readable
my regex float {
     <[+-]>?        # optional sign
     \d*            # leading digits, optional
     [              # optional exponent
        e <[+-]>?  \d+
As a rule of thumb, use whitespace around atoms and inside groups. Put quantifiers directly after the atom, without inserting a blank. Vertically align opening and closing brackets and parentheses.
When you use a list of alternations inside a parenthesis or brackets, align the vertical bars:
my regex example {
    || <choice_1>
    || <choice_2>
    || <choice_3>

Keep it small

Regexes come with very little boilerplate, so they are often more compact than regular code. Thus it is important to keep regexes short.
When you can come up with name for a part of a regex, it is usually best to put it into a separate, named regex.
For example you could take the float regex from earlier:
my regex float {
     <[+-]>?        # optional sign
     \d*            # leading digits, optional
     [              # optional exponent
        e <[+-]>?  \d+
And decompose it into parts:
my token sign { <[+-]> }
my token decimal { \d+ }
my token exponent { 'e' <sign>? <decimal> }
my regex float {
That helps especially when the regex becomes more complicated. For example you might want to make the decimal point optional if an exponent is there.
my regex float {
    || <decimal>?  '.' <decimal> <exponent>?
    || <decimal> <exponent>

What to match

Often the input data format has no clear-cut specification, or the specification is not known to the programmer. Then it is good to be liberal in what you expect, but only as long as there are no ambiguities possible.
For example in ini files:
What can be inside the section header? Allowing only a word might be too restrictive, somebody might write [two words], or use dashes, or so. Instead of asking what's allowed on the inside, it might be worth asking instead: what's not allowed?
Clearly, closing brackets are not allowed, because [a]b] would be rather ambiguous. By the same argument, opening brackets should be forbidden. This leaves us with
token header { '[' <-[ \[\] ]>+ ']' }
which is fine if you are only processing one line. But if you're processing a whole file, suddenly the regex parses
[with a
newline in between]
which might not be a good idea. A pragmatic compromise would be
token header { '[' <-[ \[\] \n ]>+ ']' }
and then, in the post-processing, strip leading and trailing spaces and tabs from the section header.

Matching Whitespace

The :sigspace adverb (or using the rule declarator instead of token or regex) is very handy for implicitly parsing whitespace that can appear in many places.
Going back to the example of parsing ini files, we have
my regex kvpair { \s* <key=identifier> '=' <value=identifier> \n+ }
which is probably not as liberal as we want it to be. Since the user might put spaces around the equals sign, it should rather read
my regex kvpair { \s* <key=identifier> \s* '=' \s* <value=identifier> \n+ }
That's growing unwieldy pretty quickly. So instead one can write
my rule kvpair { <key=identifier> '=' <value=identifier> \n+ }
But wait! The implicit whitespace matching after the value uses up all whitespace, including newline characters, so the \n+ doesn't have anything left to match (and rule also disables backtracking, so no luck here).
Therefore it is important to redefine your definition of implicit whitespace to whitespace that is not significant in the input format.
This works by redefining the token ws, however it only works in grammars:
grammar IniFormat {
    token ws { <!ww> \h* }
    rule header { '[' (\w+) ']' \n+ }
    token identifier  { \w+ }
    rule kvpair { \s* <key=identifier> '=' <value=identifier> \n+ }
    token section {

    token TOP {

my $contents = q:to/EOI/;
        jack = password1
        joy = muchmoresecure123
        jack = 123
        joy = 42
say so IniFormat.parse($contents);
Besides putting all regexes into a grammar and turning them into tokens (because they don't need to backtrack anyway) the interesting new bit is
token ws { <!ww> \h* }
which gets called for implicit whitespace parsing. It matches when it is not between two word characters (<!ww> , negated "within word" assertion), and zero or more horizontal space characters. The limitation to horizontal whitespace is important, because newlines (which are vertical whitespace) delimit records and shouldn't be matched implicitly.
Still there is some whitespace-related trouble lurking. The regex \n+ won't match a string like "\n \n", because there is a blank between the two newlines. To allow such input strings, replace \n+ by \n\s*.

ref : http://doc.perl6.org/language/regexes

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